Social Integration - Chinese Students Overseas

Top Tips for Social Integration in the UK: Boost Your Language and Cultural Learning!

Studying in the UK is an incredible opportunity, not only for academic success but also for enriching your social and cultural experiences. However, we know it can feel daunting at first, especially if you’re new to the country. Don’t worry! Social integration is key to making the most of your time here, and it will…

UK Universities

Maximise Your 2024-5 UK Study Experience: Cultural and English Language Tips for Chinese Students

Studying in the UK is an exciting and enriching experience for Chinese students, offering a unique opportunity to improve their English language skills and immerse themselves in a different cultural environment. While the cultural differences between China and the UK can initially seem vast, there are many parallels and strategies that can help Chinese students…

Study in the UK - Chinese Students

Integrating and Thriving: A Guide for Chinese Students in the UK 2024-25

Studying abroad is an exciting adventure, especially for Chinese students arriving in the UK in 2024 and 2025. The UK’s rich history, diverse culture, and world-renowned education system make it an attractive destination. However, integration can be challenging. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help Chinese students make the most of their UK experience and English…

Chinese studwents in the UK

How Chinese Students in the UK Can Truly Experience British Culture

Moving to a new country for education is a significant step, particularly for Chinese students arriving in the UK. Often, these students find themselves gravitating toward familiar faces and languages, forming tight-knit communities that, while comforting, can inadvertently limit their cultural and linguistic integration. To fully benefit from their time in the UK, Chinese students…

Translate English Websites to Chinese


对于在国外学习的中国学生来说,浏览外语网站常常会遇到语言障碍。幸运的是,谷歌Chrome浏览器提供了内置的翻译功能,可以帮助你浏览网站、阅读文章和查看内容,并将其翻译成你的母语中文。在这个指南中,我们将向您介绍如何充分利用Chrome浏览器的翻译功能,以提升您在国外学习期间的上网体验。 1. 配置Chrome浏览器: 在开始之前,请确保您的设备上安装了Google Chrome浏览器。如果没有,请从Google Chrome官网下载并安装。 2. 启用翻译功能: 打开Chrome浏览器。 在右上角,点击三个垂直点,以打开菜单。 进入“设置”。 滚动到“语言”部分,然后点击“语言”。 将中文(简体)设置为首选语言。这将启用Chrome的翻译功能,自动检测并将外语翻译成中文。 3. 浏览外语网站: 当您访问外语网站时,Chrome将自动检测并询问是否要翻译页面。 在提示时点击“翻译”,Chrome将立即将内容翻译成中文,使您更容易理解。 4. 自定义翻译首选项: Chrome允许您进一步自定义翻译首选项。要做到这一点: 进入“设置” > “高级” > “语言”。 点击“语言首选项”。 在“提供翻译不可阅读的语言页面”下,选择“中文(简体)”。 5. 翻译特定文本: 有时,您可能希望翻译特定单词或句子。您可以右键单击文本,然后选择“翻译成中文(简体)”。 6. 安装翻译扩展程序: Chrome提供各种翻译扩展程序,可用于特定任务。例如,“谷歌翻译”扩展程序允许您一键将任何网页上的文本翻译成中文。要安装扩展程序: 打开Chrome。 访问Chrome网上应用商店,搜索“谷歌翻译”或其他翻译扩展程序。 点击“添加到Chrome”,然后按照提示安装扩展程序。 7. 管理翻译记录: Chrome会保存您翻译过的页面记录。要访问这个历史记录: 点击右上角的三个垂直点。 进入“历史记录”。 您将在“最近关闭的标签页”下找到已翻译的页面列表。 8. 谨慎上网: 在访问涉及敏感信息的网站时要谨慎,比如在线银行或个人账户。Chrome的翻译功能可能无法在安全页面上正常工作,因此在使用时要负责任。 9. 学习机会: 利用Chrome的翻译功能,学习新的词汇和句型,增强你的语言技能和文化理解。这将有助于提高您的英语水平,同时也能更好地适应国外的生活。 结论: Google Chrome浏览器的翻译功能可以帮助在国外学习的中国学生克服语言障碍,轻松访问网站内容。通过按照本指南中提供的步骤,您可以最大程度地利用Chrome的翻译功能,从而在国外学习期间获得更愉快和更高效的在线体验。 For more useful informative…

Translate English Websites to Chinese

Surfing the Internet in Chinese Using Chrome Browser’s Translation Features

Chinese-speaking students studying abroad often encounter language barriers when browsing the internet in a foreign language. Fortunately, Google Chrome, one of the most widely used web browsers, provides built-in translation features that can help you navigate websites, articles, and content in your native language, Chinese. In this guide, we will walk you through how to…

Why Is English So Complicated and Hard To Learn?

Why Is English So Complicated and Hard To Learn?

English, often hailed as the global lingua franca, is undoubtedly a challenging language to master. Its intricacies, quirks, and varied influences make it a formidable language to learn, particularly for non-European students, including those from China. The multifaceted nature of English, coupled with its extensive rules and nuanced grammar, can pose significant difficulties. However, understanding…