Exploring the 10 Best Hotpot Restaurants in Birmingham’s Chinatown

Birmingham’s vibrant Chinatown is a culinary paradise, and at the heart of it all are the hotpot restaurants that offer an immersive and delectable dining experience. Bursting with aromatic broths, fresh ingredients, and a vibrant atmosphere, these ten hotpot destinations in Birmingham’s Chinatown promise an unforgettable journey into the world of Chinese cuisine. Li’s Hotpot…

Chinese and Overseas Visitors’ Guide to Accessing Healthcare in the UK

If you are an overseas visitor, residing in the United Kingdom, accessing healthcare is essential to ensure your well-being. The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) provides healthcare services to all residents, including non-UK citizens. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to access healthcare in the UK, including the NHS 111 telephone service: 1. Register with…

Exploring the Vibrant UK Chinatowns: A Colourful Kaleidoscope of Culture

In the heart of the United Kingdom’s bustling cities, a delightful surprise awaits every visitor – the vibrant and culturally-rich Chinatowns. Stepping into these enclaves is like embarking on a captivating journey where traditional charm meets modern cosmopolitan vibes. With their vibrant colours, bustling markets, and tantalising aromas, Chinatowns across the UK offer an immersive…

UK University

The Best 10 UK Universities For Chinese Students in 2023-24

The UK’s education system is considered by many as second-to-none and the country’s universities regularly make it into global university league tables, no matter the ranking criterion. The UK is friendly, well-featured and, despite its traditional values and history, it’s a relatively modern and forward-thinking country. Add an open and liberal mindset to the equation,…

英国熊猫:英国天气 – British Panda: The UK Weather

Welcome to another video from British Panda: Videos for Chinese Students, Business People and visitors, helping them to get the most out of their stay in the UK. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频:帮助中国留学生,商务人士和游客充分了解英国生活的视频。 In this video we look at the British weather. 在这个视频中,我们来看看英国的天气。 How hot and cold can it get at certain times of the year? 一年中的某些时候它会有多热和多冷? What can…

英国 – 纠正一下 – 停止管英国叫英格兰 – The UK – Get it Right – Stop Calling the UK England

Welcome to another video from British Panda – Videos to help Chinese Students, business people and visitors to get the most out of their stay in the UK. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频 – 此视频帮助中国留学生,商务人士和游客充分了解英国生活的方方面面。 In this video we ask the question “What exactly is the UK?”. 在这个视频中,我们提到的问题是“究竟什么是英国 With Chinese people often referring to the entire UK as 英国…