英国 – 纠正一下 – 停止管英国叫英格兰 – The UK – Get it Right – Stop Calling the UK England

Welcome to another video from British Panda – Videos to help Chinese Students, business people and visitors to get the most out of their stay in the UK. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频 – 此视频帮助中国留学生,商务人士和游客充分了解英国生活的方方面面。 In this video we ask the question “What exactly is the UK?”. 在这个视频中,我们提到的问题是“究竟什么是英国 With Chinese people often referring to the entire UK as 英国…

英国生活:医疗保健 – Life in the UK: Healthcare

Life in the UK: Healthcare 英国生活:医疗保健 Welcome to British Panda’s series of videos that aim to take the mystery out of life in the UK, especially for Chinese students, travellers and business people. 欢迎收看“英国熊猫”系列节目,该节目旨在为中国学生、游客和商界人士揭开英国生活的神秘面纱。 In this video we look at how to find the right form of medical and dental treatments. 在这段视频中,我们来看看如何找到正确的医疗和牙科治疗方法。 When you arrive…

英国超市攻略 – Supermarkets in the UK – Where to Buy Food and Groceries

Welcome to another video by British Panda: Videos that help Chinese Students, business people and visitors to get the most out of life in the UK. 欢迎收看英国熊猫的另一个视频:帮助中国学生,商务人士和游客们充分体验英国生活。 In this video we look at where to buy your groceries and we list the top 5 supermarkets, as well as looking at Chinese supermarkets in the UK.…

5 种方式自然地和英国人打招呼 – 5 Ways to Naturally Greet British People

5 Ways to Naturally Greet British People 5种方式自然地和英国人打招呼 Welcome to another video from British Panda. Videos to help Chinese students, business people and visitors to get the most out of their stay here. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频。帮助中国学生,商务人士和访客充分享受他们在英国的时光。 In this video, we look at how real British people greet each other. We all know that English lessons can teach…

除了中餐馆,英国人都去哪儿吃饭呢?Where to Eat Non-Chinese Food in the UK

Welcome to another video from British Panda: Videos to help Chinese Students, Business People and visitors to get the most out of their time in the UK. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频:旨在帮助中国学生,商务人士和访客充分享受他们在英国的时光。 In this video we look at where to eat good non-Chinese food in the UK. In other words, where do British people like to go to eat…

英国的互联网 – 前5名 – The Internet in the UK Top 5

https://youtu.be/dwhEbDBBDaE The Internet in the UK – Top 5 英国的互联网 – 前5名 What Websites and Social Media Do British People Use? 英国人使用什么网站和社交媒体? Welcome to another video from British Panda – Videos especially for Chinese Students, Business People and visitors, helping them to get the most out of their time in the UK. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频 – 专门为中国留学生,商界人士和游客介绍英国生活的方方见面。…