理解英国幽默的五大指南 – The Top 5 Guide to Understanding British Humour

  理解英国幽默的五大指南 – The Top 5 Guide to Understanding British Humour Welcome to another video from British Panda:  Videos to help Chinese Students, Business People and visitors to get the most out of their time in the UK. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频:帮助中国留学生,商务人士和游客充分了解英国生活的视频。 In this video, we take a look at British Humour. What makes British people laugh and…

英国熊猫:英国天气 – British Panda: The UK Weather

Welcome to another video from British Panda: Videos for Chinese Students, Business People and visitors, helping them to get the most out of their stay in the UK. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频:帮助中国留学生,商务人士和游客充分了解英国生活的视频。 In this video we look at the British weather. 在这个视频中,我们来看看英国的天气。 How hot and cold can it get at certain times of the year? 一年中的某些时候它会有多热和多冷? What can…

标点符号:句号 逗号 – Punctuation: Full Stops Commas

Punctuation: Full Stops Commas 标点符号:句号 逗号 Welcome to another video from British Panda: Videos for Chinese Students, Business People and visitors, helping them to get the most out of the stay in the UK. 欢迎来到英国熊猫的另一个视频:此视频专为中国留学生,商务人士和游客打造,帮助他们充分了解英国生活。 In this video we look at some very common mistakes that Chinese people can make with their English punctuation and…