Master English with Clive: an experienced, Mandarin-speaking tutor offering personalised one-on-one lessons for Chinese students abroad. Start with a free consultation and unlock success in academic writing, speaking confidence, and British culture.
What British Panda Offers…
- Personalised Lessons
One-hour, one-on-one lessons designed to help you succeed:- Academic English: Develop skills for essays, reports, and proper referencing.
- Speaking Practice: Gain confidence, improve pronunciation, and speak fluently.
- Cultural English: Learn idioms, colloquial expressions, and British culture.
- Expert Tutor
Your teacher, Clive Astin, has many years of teaching experience, including three years teaching in China, and speaks Mandarin. This makes him uniquely qualified to support Chinese students in overcoming language barriers and cultural challenges. - Free Consultation
Begin with a FREE 30-minute consultation to discuss your goals and areas for improvement. Whether you’re struggling with academic writing, building confidence in speaking or adapting to life in the UK, our sessions are fully tailored to your needs.
- £35 per hour (300 Yuan) – Discounts available for bulk bookings.
Why Choose British Panda?
- Expert tutor with deep cultural and linguistic understanding.
- Clear and effective explanations tailored for Chinese learners.
- Flexible scheduling to accommodate your busy life as a student.
How to Get Started
- Book Your Free Consultation by messaging Clive (
杨柯) through WeChat (Middle8)
Discuss your goals and challenges during the session.
- Begin personalised lessons designed to help you succeed academically and socially in the UK and English-speaking countries.
British Panda 提供的服务
- 学术英语:提高论文、报告写作和正确引用的技巧。
- 口语练习:增强自信,改善发音,流利表达。
- 文化英语:学习习语、口语表达以及英国文化。
您的老师 Clive Astin(杨柯) 拥有多年教学经验,包括三年在中国的教学经历,并且会说普通话。他非常适合帮助中国学生克服语言障碍和文化差异。
- 每小时 £35(约300元人民币)
- 批量预订优惠可享折扣
为什么选择 British Panda?
- 资深导师,拥有深厚的文化和语言理解力。
- 针对中国学生的清晰、有效的教学方法。
- 灵活的时间安排,适合您的忙碌学习生活。
- 添加 Clive(杨柯)的微信(Middle8),预约您的免费咨询。
- 在咨询中讨论您的目标和挑战。
- 开始个性化课程,助您在英国及英语国家的学术和社会生活中取得成功!